Crime in the United States

Uniform Crime Reporting
By Uniform Crime Rate, Federal Bureau of Investigation |

A complete report and data of every criminal record made in the United States in the 2017. Highlights the per capita number of crimes involving: Violent Crime, Property Crime, Clearances (offenses “closed” by arrest or exceptional means.) Homicide, Weapons. Highlights the 0.2 percent decrease of violent crimes from 2016-2017. Through multiple data tables, further explains the 10-year trend which shows how property crime offenses decreased 21.3 percent in 2017 when compared with the 2008 estimate. California had the 12th lowest reported rate in 2017 with 3,428 arrests per 100,000 residents, which represents a 58% decrease since the peak arrest rate in 1989. The Uniform Crime Reporting has helped many governmental and private agencies by reporting accurate data and further explains the direct relation between social and economic policies and crime rate.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) crime statistics are used in many ways and serve many purposes. They provide law enforcement with data for use in budget formulation, planning, resource allocation, assessment of police operations, etc., to help address the crime problem at various levels.


Keywords: Crime, criminal record, property crime, California crime

  • Evidence-Based Practices