Regulating California’s Prison Population: The Use of Sticks And Carrots (2016)

By James Austin |

The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ... [0002-7162] yr:2016 vol:664 iss:1 pg:84 -107 -

Article examining county jails of Los Angeles and Contra Costa to understand whether the Public Safety Act is effective or not. Contra Costa minimized the number of prisoners while Los Angeles reported an increase. Article suggests without the "stick" of litigation, prison downsizing is unlikely to be achieved in California.

The Annals is guest edited by scholars and experts in the field and presents research on topics of interest to its readership


Keywords: mass incarceration; Realignment; regulation; financial incentives The Annals of American Academy of Political Science,Los Angeles and Contra Costa, Coleman and Plata, SB 678