Assessing Risk-Based Policies for Pretrial Release and Split Sentencing in Los Angeles County Jails (2015)

By Mericcan Usta and Lawrence M. Wein |

PLOS One -

An article investigating jail management by tracking flow of inmates in Los Angeles County Jails. Study uses a mathematical model of inmate flow and assesses 64 joint pretrial release and split sentencing policies and compare their performance to LA county policy in 2014. Study accredits effectiveness of split sentencing to split sentencing exposing offenders to less time under recidivism risk per saved jail day and to felony offenders comprising about 45% of LA County’s jail population in 2014.

PLOS One is multidisciplinary open access journal featuring reports of original scientific research of subjects contributing to the base of scientific knowledge.

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Keywords: Risk ratio meter, pretrial release, pretrial risk rations, detention, incarceration, jail congestion, public safety