Risk Assessment and Realignment (2013)

By Susan Turner, Julie Gerlinger |

Santa Clara Law Review -

Article on how risk assessment is intended to function in conjunction with risk-based policies and practices and how risk plays a role in realignment. Refers to six different risk assessment tools utilized by California counties such as STRONG and COMPAS and to data from the Department of Justice criminal history files, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations, and California Static Risk Assessment to analyze recidivism. Article suggests counties using risk-based approaches are most effective and are an important component in managing offenders under realignment.

Susan Turner is a Professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society at the University of California, Irvine and also serves as Director for the Center for Evidence-Based Corrections.

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Keywords: Realignment, recidivism, AB 109, risk assessment, risk assessment tools, evidence-based practices, best practice, low risk offender, high risk offender, moderate risk offender, risk-and-responsivity principles, LSI-R, Level of Service Inventory-Revised, Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions, COMPAS, Static Risk and Offender Needs Guide, STRONG, 4th generation tool, CDCR, PRCS, risk-based analysis, CSRA, Susan Turner, Julie Gerlinger, Santa Clara Review